Statistics on Weapons Used in Crime (2022)

When you think of all the potential weapons used in crime, if your first thought was guns, you’re not too far off. Although 2020 was the lowest year in terms of crime, handguns and various types of other firearms remained the popular weapon of choice in a number of crimes, particularly murder.
Guns are the most common type of weapon used in crimes. But they are not the kind used to commit crime. The purpose of this article is to explore all the different types–in addition to the interesting, lesser known kinds sure to surprise you.
Here’s a list of weapons as per the 2020 FBI stats on weapons used in crime:
- Handguns and other firearms (13,208)
- Knives or cutting instruments (1,739)
- Hands/fists/feet/etc. (including strangulation) (662)
- Blunt objects (clubs/hammers/etc.) (393)
- Drugs (e.g. narcotics) (113)
- Gasoline (e.g. fire) (106)
- Plastic bag (e.g. asphyxiation) (71)
- Poison (16)
- Explosives (e.g. bombs) (4)
The “Others” You’ve Never Heard Of
There’s a few other interesting kinds that have been used as alternatives–many which you’ve probably never thought of. We hope you never encounter this, but some perpetrators have killed using sweatpants, a pickle jar, a floor lamp, a corkscrew, a guitar, and perhaps the most epic, a prosthetic leg. It makes the saying “anything can be a weapon if you try hard enough” disturbingly realistic.
Interesting Facts and Statistics
The deadly weapons listed above have the potential of doing considerable damage–from violence, assault, to murder. Here are some of the most interesting facts and figures to know:
Pictured above: “America’s Gun”, the most popular rifle in the USA, the AR-15. Contrary to popular belief, assault rifles are rarely used in crimes. Handguns are the most popular.
- The most common caliber used by criminals is consistently a 9mm semi automatic pistol–though the exact brand of gun varies. Assault rifles are rarely used in comparison.
- Most people think the guns used by the Columbine Killers were bought at a gun show, but they were in fact bought by an intermediary (Dylan’s girlfriend who was of legal age at the time). Furthermore, it’s lesser known that Columbine was originally intended to be bomb mission. When the bombs failed to detonate, the killers decided to walk through the school and use their 9mm semi-automatics and shotguns.
- 93% of guns used in crimes are procured illegally. In fact, every year, thousands of guns are stolen for violent crime–and this figure doesn’t even include the unreported stolen firearms.
- The JonBenet Ramsey story is an interesting scene where the victim was murdered by a garrote (e.g. an asphyxiation device, like a string or wire) in lieu of a firearm. To this day, the case has never been solved.
- Another interesting crime story that used weaponry other than calibers is the Lululemon Murders. One victim sustained 331 wounds from knives, hammers, and other blunt objects from the store.
- By the end of 2021, 46% of all robberies were committed with some type of gun. It continues to dominate the majority of all artillery used in domestic assault, sexual harassment, drug deals, and more as well.
What happens to the weapon after the case is closed?
As it’s a part of the evidence, we don’t clean it. In fact, the evidence is collected before we get the call. After the investigation is closed, the weapon is usually kept by the county office until the perpetrator passes away, then it’s destroyed.
Some evidence lives on indefinitely; especially if it’s a part of history. The bricks from the St. Valentine’s Day massacre are an excellent example of how evidence can be immortalized when the case is considered a part of American history.
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