Forensic and Biohazard Cleaning Services
Why NCSC Has Been Rated 5 Stars For Over 20 Years
Our customers come first, always. No one should have to go through this if they don’t have to. Let us make a difference for you.
Our teams of professionals know the seriousness and potential severity of these situations. Whether you were surprised to find a large amount of mold while completing your latest remodeling project or you have lost a loved one recently due to an act of violence (so sorry for your loss), we are here and qualified to help you through these situations and ensure you and the public’s physical and mental wellbeing is protected.
Our service response times are typically immediate or next day for both residential and commercial properties and vehicles.
Although we are not going through your situation directly, we know how tragic and sensitive these circumstances can be. We treat every situation and family with the utmost respect and compassion, hoping that our services can help offer you some peace of mind and safety.
We are considerate to the circumstances that have occurred through no fault of your own. Time is something we can’t get back, don’t waste or make your life more difficult by attempting to clean the situation up personally. The dangers of doing so are potentially traumatic. Trust our thorough, professionally trained staff and know we are equipped to handle the situation efficiently.
Insurance covers most of our services so you don’t have to pay out of pocket. Although each individual policy is different, our compassionate representatives will help try to determine the most affordable solution for you. We work tirelessly to find a way, whether we personally work with your insurance adjuster, seek out helpful victim financial programs, or put in place a payment plan you can afford….don’t look past our services because you don’t think you can afford them; it’s often quite the opposite.
Cleaning After a Traumatic Situation
When an accident occurs to a business or commercial property (e.g. a school), it can be emotionally distressing and financially damaging. OSHA requires that, in event of an biohazard or other hazardous situation (e.g. outbreak or blood spill), the emergency response must follow local laws and regulations.
NCSC has crews experienced with federal and local laws and regulations from all over the contiguous United States. We follow regulatory OSHA disinfection and cleaning procedures to ensure commercial premises are safe for employees as well as public health.

A Crime Scene
A crime scene contains potentially fatal bloodborne pathogens and cancer causing chemicals–not to mention the disturbing visually provoking trauma. That is why OSHA has special certifications and regulations in place to protect public safety in these situations.
Property or tenants that have recently discovered a crime scene should never clean the scene on their own. NCSC’s crews are licensed and experienced in cleaning these type of situations so you don’t have to risk it yourself.

A Suicide
Cleaning the home after a traumatic event such as a suicide is not a simple nor straight forward task–and needless to say, it should be handled delicately. If you’ve recently lost a family member or close friend to suicide, know that we are so sorry for your loss.
NCSC is here to help take care of the aftermath left at home with nationwide emergency crews. We know that having a properly clean, safe, restored area after a tragedy is an important part of healing.
Biohazards on Commercial Property
While it may seem tempting, did you know it’s actually illegal to ask your employees to take care of a biohazard? That means, if you are a restaurant owner or the property manager of a hotel or Airbnb, you legally cannot ask your staff to treat any area that has been contaminated by a potentially fatal bloodborne pathogen.
That’s why we’re here.

An Industrial Accident or Disease Outbreak
Our nationwide emergency crews are trained and licensed to clean the premises for any type of industrial or commercial building. We also issue a Certification of Hygiene to protect the integrity of your business and our services. In case of a major blood spill, industrial accident, or deadly outbreak, our nationwide crews are ready to assist as early as possible. Our goal is to maintain public safety while also minimizing any potential downtime and loss of revenue for you.
Other Decomposition & Bioremediation Situations
As a fully biohazard licensed company, our crews are able to handle forensic cleaning and beyond. Any situation that draws bloodborne pathogens or a hazardous public health situation is included. Below are a few additional examples of the situations we can assist with, although we are by no means limited to the ones listed below.

An Unattended Death

Unusual Odors

A Biohazard Car (Blood, Mold, & More)